Rakovo - Slowakische Burgen

Kúria v Rakove



Gabriel     18.08.2018  08:35:11
Gabriel     18.08.2018  08:33:32
Luděk Vláčil        04.07.2017  06:13:58
Kúria byla nedávno pěkně zrekonstruovaná do puvodni podoby.
Martin-Stephan Rakovszky de Na     18.02.2016  18:49:43
I would like to know, whom did my Aunt Etelke write that Card? Who sent her a female dog?
Martin-Stephan Rakovszky de Na     18.02.2016  18:40:38
Beniczky Farkas built this (4.) here, because probably he fell in love with the wife of Elek de Rakovszky. After his 1st wife and Elek died, hie married Elek~s widow. The Rakovszuky Kuria belongen then to Elek.
Martin-Stephan Rakovszky de Na     18.02.2016  18:36:32
I am happy that these pictures are here
Martin-Stephan Rakovszky de Na     18.02.2016  18:35:40
the 3.rd picture is the one which is myne. I have put the picture and the text together. The card was written by uncle Menyhért addressed to aunt Ida. Unkle Ivan was about to put the law about changes in the Hungarian administration before the lower hause of the Hungarian Parliament. It was prevented by the outbreak of the I. WW.
Martin-Stephan Rakovszky de Na        18.02.2016  18:29:56
It looks, that the postcard was written by my aunt Etelka, who was the first Hungarian ladies Tenis champion. She died in 1828. Enother sard with the same picture is in my possession.

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